Friday 6 October 2017

Afro Leo

Nigeria, The Gleisner Files and IP Commercialisation news

Yesterday Nigeria ratified no less than four treaties that will help us assist its development of modern IP legislation. These treaties are the World Copyright Treaty, the Performances and Phonograms Treaty (the Internet Treaties), the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances and the Marrakesh Treaty.

Ijeoma Egbunike writing for NaijaNews explains the impact here (link no longer available): 

"The development again underscores the urgent need to enact a new Copyright legislation that will implement the standards stipulated in the treaties. The Director General of the Nigerian Copyright Commission, Mr. Afam Ezekude has reiterated the commitment of the Commission to follow through with the Copyright Reform project of the Commission launched in November, 2012.

He added that since the initiation of the reform,  aside the ongoing review of the framework of copyright protection,  the commission has been able to effect major Policy and Regulatory reforms,  including the issuance of the Copyright (Levy of Materials)  Order,  which is awaiting final approval for commencement; and the establishment of an e-Registration system for copyright works."


The excellent Tim Lince of World Trademark Review has unearthed a remarkable investigation that he has dubbed The Gleinser Files. With the help of search company Compumark it records one individual's trade mark, company and domain name filing spree of nearly 9000, and costing in excess of $750 000 in trade mark filing costs alone.

The motives are unclear as experts still pour over the detail trying to establish a trend and rationale which you can read about here (link no longer available). Afro Leo remarks that Mr Gleisner obviously does not like safaris; only a single trade mark filed in Africa amongst the entire lot - that for Fashion TV in South Africa in the name of Fashion Tele Settlement Company Limited.


Fellow blogger Darren Olivier has published part 2 of the UKIP saga on the niche IP Finance blog whose contributors include Mike Mireless, Neil Wilkof, Keith Mallinson and Anne Fairpo in a piece entitled UKIP - Politics, Branding and Trade Marking. He references two lion scraps in Europe to explain why he things UKIP will likely lose to the FA and comments on a lack of appreciation for trade marking by political parties citing developments on the WIPO, UKIPO and USPTO registries and drawing from the ANC's fight against COPE and other African examples. That in full here.

Speaking of blogs that focus on the commercialisation aspects of intellectual property readers should also look out for posts on IP Live. This is a niche blog edited by Nic Rosslee for the IP commercialisation team at his firm.

And finally don't forget that LES South Africa are hosting a mini seminar next week Wednesday entitled "An IP Smorgasboard" in Rosebank, Johannesburg. Speakers include LESI president Peter Hess. 

Afro Leo

Afro Leo

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